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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > JAPANESE GOVERNMENT POLICIES IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND CULTURE 1993 > CHAPTER 2 �2 3

Chapter 2. Towards the Enrichment and Spread of Culture
� 2 The Rise of Local Art and Culture
3. Opportunities to Appreciate Art at the Local Level

Because of the notably high degree of interest and concern shown on the part of today's general public in the area of art and culture, there has arisen a strong demand for the enrichment of opportunities to appreciate the fine arts as well as excellent performing arts. As the opportunities to enjoy such art are rare in regions not located in the vicinity of a large city, the opportunities provided are not sufficient to keep up with the rising demands.

In order to eliminate this discrepancy between the localities and the large cities, the Agency for Cultural Affairs is developing various joint programs with local governments to afford local inhabitants with richer opportunities to enjoy art and to encourage the cultural promotion policies of local governments.

Another factor which necessitates the further enrichment of opportunities to appreciate art is the public's increased level of interest in arts and culture that has come about as a result of an improvement in living standards and an increase in the amount of leisure time with introduction of the five-day work week.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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